
Review of SIX

Overall, I am very proud of all the cast and how far we have from when we first started. From our first rehearsal to our Performances, we have improved so much as individuals and as an ensemble.  I feel we all pushed ourselves and each other to help bring the show to life. We all gave it that final push through show week to make each show special in their own way, even though they were all the same show, at the same time each showing had something slightly different about it which made it its own.    As an ensemble our vocals for example our harmonies have improved so much from the first week singing together, to the last week. From learning them and just about getting them in the first week to mastering them in the final week. As an ensemble, I feel we're all listened to each other's voices and worked so hard individually and as an ensemble to make them all fit perfectly together. Personally, I feel I have improved vocally from when we first learnt the songs to when we had our

SIX rehearsals- week 6: SHOW WEEK

 Monday 14th November 2022 On this rehearsal, we spent the day doing a tech rehearsal in full costume. We went through the show from the beginning to the end and teched all the cues for each song and transition between the songs. This was the first time doing the songs with all the lighting and sound which was incredible, Antony and Zach have worked so hard to get it up to the standard which it is now. As today was a tech day, we were sitting around a lot as each dance had to be looked at in detail to ensure everything was perfect. In the afternoon we had our first full tun through of the whole performance with all the light and band. As it being the first time, I think we were all getting used to the set and therefore not focusing as much on the singing or moves as much as we should have been.  Tuesday 15th November 2022  Today's lesson was the dress rehearsal. At the start of the day, the queens stayed downstairs in the main space rehearsing their songs whilst we (the ensemble) w

SIX rehearsals- week 7

 November 8th, 2022 In lesson we had a really good run through of the whole show including the dialogue and transitions between numbers. We are all working together effectively to bring the whole show together as one. When we rand through the whole show, I was really impressed with how smooth the show went from song to song. With how good the first run through went, it just shows how good the shows are going to go.  The harmonies sounded really good together, however I feel that now we need to make sure our harmonies are very clear and make sure we can definitely hear all three harmonies. For our next rehearsal we need to go over our harmonies as an ensemble and make sure each harmony is prominent and successful. 

SIX rehearsal- week 6

Thursday 20th October 2022 In today's lesson we started off with a warmup from Ella which involved a vibrato exercise to relax and warm up our vocal cords. We then went onto chest voice exercises which allow us to push the vocals through our chest to prepare us to sing clearly. We then went on to doing a mixed voice exercise which helped us work on our vocal ranges from the lowest note we could do, to the highest not we could do. After that exercise we did a sustaining vocal exercise, in this exercise we worked on our breath control and sustaining our voice throughout the whole song. This helps us use our voices wisely and not just give it our all in the first 30 seconds then drop down after that. Finally, we did a really fun exercise which was 'Chicken tikka mango chutney and a pint of larger'. This exercise helped us work on our diction and articulation as it was a tongue twister which got progressively faster after very round. That warm up was very helpful and after doin

SIX rehearsal- week 5

 In today's rehearsal we performed all our songs which we have done to an audience as it was open evening. I feel that in each performance we have really improved.  Firstly, we went through 'Ex-Wives' and put our all into it. I feel that we have improved massively from the first time we sung it too now. Our harmonies are really good and sound lovely together when we're singing. I feel that when we sing the chorus, we are really confident with that section, and you can clearly hear and understand what we are singing. However, when we are dancing at the same time, we slight loose some projection therefore we need to remember to just push the songs out through our chest voice and not our head voice. Other than that, I feel that it's gotten so much better and it only going to get better. We then sung 'No way' in the wings whilst the year 12's performed it on stage as the year 13's are not in this dance. I feel that from when we first sung it, we have rea

SIX rehearsal-week 4

October 5th- October 12th 2022 We have been going over 'Ex-Wives' and I feel I have improved over the weeks, as I feel that I have a better understanding of the harmonies, but I feel I still need to work on projecting them more as when it comes to singing, I don't feel confident that I am doing them right. Therefore, I need to work on being more confident with this and give it my all when it comes to the harmonies.  We have also been going over 'Heart of stone' and working on those harmonies a lot more. I feel that I have improved on my harmonies in 'Hart of stone' from the first time we sung it as an ensemble, as I feel like I am understanding it a little more and not listening to the higher harmony group and accidently joining them. To work on this even more I will go over the middle group harmonies with my group and make sure that I fully understand them. In 'Get down', which we have been doing recently, I feel that my characterisation has improve

SIX rehearsal week-2 and 3

September 23th-October 6th 2022 Recently we have been going over the sings we have learnt and rehearsing them, and we have learnt some new songs and learnt the harmonies for them. we have learnt the harmonies for 'Heart of stone', 'House of Holbein', 'Six', 'Get Down' and 'No Way'.  I sing the tune in all these songs and as I am familiar with this musical, I find the singing technique fairly easy which gives me more opportunities to focus on my characterization. All the songs are different, so I need to really prepare which role I am taking on for each number. The one I am finding most challenging at the moment is 'Haus of Holbein' because the keeping the comedic level to a high standard while focusing on the timing of where to sing and dance is becoming quite difficult. However, I know this will become easier with more time in rehearsals. I feel that as an ensemble, we need to work on projection whilst singing and dancing as at the momen