SIX rehearsal- week 6

Thursday 20th October 2022

In today's lesson we started off with a warmup from Ella which involved a vibrato exercise to relax and warm up our vocal cords. We then went onto chest voice exercises which allow us to push the vocals through our chest to prepare us to sing clearly. We then went on to doing a mixed voice exercise which helped us work on our vocal ranges from the lowest note we could do, to the highest not we could do. After that exercise we did a sustaining vocal exercise, in this exercise we worked on our breath control and sustaining our voice throughout the whole song. This helps us use our voices wisely and not just give it our all in the first 30 seconds then drop down after that. Finally, we did a really fun exercise which was 'Chicken tikka mango chutney and a pint of larger'. This exercise helped us work on our diction and articulation as it was a tongue twister which got progressively faster after very round. That warm up was very helpful and after doing it I felt really ready to sing. 
On this day after the warmup, we went over 'No way' and made sure that our harmonies were all in time and in the correct pitch as later on in the lesson, we performed this to the college in the atrium as a flash mob.  Another song we went over was 'Don't lose your head', this was also a part of the flash mob later in lesson. For this song, we worked on perfecting our harmonies and making sure that are harmonies could all be clearly heard. 
After rehearsing those, we went out and performed our flash mob. This was our first live performance therefore, it was quite nervracking and personally I feel that all of us got shy and held back when performing as our vocals were not as strong as they were when we were rehearsing them, in fact, we actually missed some out. I believe this was definitely down to being nervous. Although at the time we didn't give it our all and held back a bit, I feel that it was a really good learning curve which made us realise that we need to work on using the nerves and turning them into confidence when performing this in front of an audience. 


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