SIX rehearsal-week 4

October 5th- October 12th 2022

We have been going over 'Ex-Wives' and I feel I have improved over the weeks, as I feel that I have a better understanding of the harmonies, but I feel I still need to work on projecting them more as when it comes to singing, I don't feel confident that I am doing them right. Therefore, I need to work on being more confident with this and give it my all when it comes to the harmonies. 

We have also been going over 'Heart of stone' and working on those harmonies a lot more. I feel that I have improved on my harmonies in 'Hart of stone' from the first time we sung it as an ensemble, as I feel like I am understanding it a little more and not listening to the higher harmony group and accidently joining them. To work on this even more I will go over the middle group harmonies with my group and make sure that I fully understand them.

In 'Get down', which we have been doing recently, I feel that my characterisation has improved in this from the first time we did this as I feel I am being sassier and more sensual through my voice and face. I feel like it is getting easier whilst singing and dancing too.  

We have also been looking at 'House of Holbein' again and making sure we are really characterising and making it very fun and crazy. I feel that in this song I don't need to focus too much on my pitching as I purposefully make my voice higher in some section to make it sound chaotic and as if I am partying. 


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