SIX rehearsal- week 5

 In today's rehearsal we performed all our songs which we have done to an audience as it was open evening. I feel that in each performance we have really improved. 

Firstly, we went through 'Ex-Wives' and put our all into it. I feel that we have improved massively from the first time we sung it too now. Our harmonies are really good and sound lovely together when we're singing. I feel that when we sing the chorus, we are really confident with that section, and you can clearly hear and understand what we are singing. However, when we are dancing at the same time, we slight loose some projection therefore we need to remember to just push the songs out through our chest voice and not our head voice. Other than that, I feel that it's gotten so much better and it only going to get better.

We then sung 'No way' in the wings whilst the year 12's performed it on stage as the year 13's are not in this dance. I feel that from when we first sung it, we have really improved as you can really hear what we are singing and can tell that we are going for it. I also feel that we have remembered how many 'n' until it gets to 'no way' which shows that we have been listening to each other and helping each other work on that.  

After singing them, we performed 'Get down'. I feel that this song is better than pervious times we have sung this however, I feel that when we do our little adlibs throughout the song, I feel that we are not giving it our all and being confident with it and it really show because we are sometime the slightest out of time or just not loud enough. I feel that we need to work on this together and individually. I also I need to remember to repeat the line 'tricked ya' after the chorus as it is supposed to sound like an echo and I know that I have been forgetting to do it so therefore, I need to work on remembering that. 

We then performed 'All you wanna do', I can see that this has improved for the first time we have sung and danced this together as I feel that we are starting to add characterisation into our dance and voices. However, I feel that as we have only performed this a couple of times now, I know that we need to be more confident with it and give it our all. We can do this by recording ourselves and see how we sound in the first video, then practice giving it our all then record again and see our improvement.

After that we did 'Heart of stone', where Robyn understudied, and we came on at the end of the song singing our harmonies and our 'ah's'. I feel that in this song we have improved not just as an ensemble but individually as well. I feel that our we have been practicing our harmonies a lot for this song as when we performed it, our harmonies went together really well and sounded really good with the melody. I feel that all of us could use a little more expression when singing this and performing this as I feel that personally we don't sound very upset. 

We also sung 'don't lose your head' and 'I don't need your love' from the wings. I feel that in 'don't lose your head' (from the wings) we need to be more punctual with the adlibs as at the moment, we are either missing it completely or out of time slightly. Therefore, we need to make sure we are working on this to make sure we are not forgetting it. When singing the remix section and harmonies for 'I don't need your love', I feel that we have improved from the last time singing it as we are really projecting the lyrics and articulating the lyrics. One thing I feel we need to improve is the final line we sing which is 'love', I feel that we need to all sing with our chest voices and not our head voices as at the moment we are sounding a little too light. 

Another song we performed was 'Hause of Holiban'. I feel personally I have worked a lot on mastering the dancing and singing simultaneously as this dance is a very hectic dance and we cannot forget about the singing in it. I also feel I have worked the accent and over exaggeration which I feel has improved since the last time. However, I feel I need to work on my diction to make it sound really punchy. 


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