SIX rehearsal week-2 and 3

September 23th-October 6th 2022

Recently we have been going over the sings we have learnt and rehearsing them, and we have learnt some new songs and learnt the harmonies for them. we have learnt the harmonies for 'Heart of stone', 'House of Holbein', 'Six', 'Get Down' and 'No Way'.  I sing the tune in all these songs and as I am familiar with this musical, I find the singing technique fairly easy which gives me more opportunities to focus on my characterization. All the songs are different, so I need to really prepare which role I am taking on for each number. The one I am finding most challenging at the moment is 'Haus of Holbein' because the keeping the comedic level to a high standard while focusing on the timing of where to sing and dance is becoming quite difficult. However, I know this will become easier with more time in rehearsals. I feel that as an ensemble, we need to work on projection whilst singing and dancing as at the moment we are sounding quite quiet and flat. The more we work on the projection with the dance, the better it will get. 

In' heart of stone', I feel that our harmonies have gotten much stronger since we had last sung them, when I watched back the video it, I feel it was very confidently sung. I now need to do a little more work on my pitching just to make sure that I'm not slightly our of tune than the other people in my harmony group. I feel like as an ensemble we are communicating well together to really show the emotion in this song. I do we need to work a little bit more on our emotions and really put ourself into the situation which Jane Seymour is going through. Even though it was sung with confidence, I feel as an ensemble, we need to work on projection to make our harmonies sound so much better. 

We have started 'get down' which is going well as throughout the song, we only sing one word here and there. I feel that we have picked up 'get down' quite easily but we could work on projecting those words to make sure they are powerful and sassy as Anna of Cleaves is very sassy and Boss women energy, therefore we need to make sure we are portraying that. I feel that in the final chorus where we join in and sing with Rudi- who is Anna, we need to make sure that we are projecting and singing that chorus so that again, we sound powerful like Anna of Cleves. 

We have also started singing 'Hause of Holiban'. This is very very much about characterisation but also our diction. I have found that the German accent is very fun to do but it is quite difficult at the same time. I feel that I need to be really over exaggerative when singing as this is a crazy song and needs to be hectic when performing. I think that as a class our voices need to be lighthearted and fun and make it comedic to match with the theme of this song. I also think that as a class we need to really exaggerate all our harmonies and the 'au ya's' and 'Das is gud' but also articulate them to make sure that the audience understands what we are saying. 

In ' No way' we have learnt the harmonies on 'n-n-n-n-n-n-no way' and other sections in the song. At the moment it is still a little bit patchy as we have only just learnt it, however I feel that the more we sing this song we are going to pick it up and make it sound amazing. I feel that as an ensemble we need to work on projecting out our harmonies. 

 06/10/22 - Today we had a rehearsal of all our songs which we have been learning recently, we also learn a new song ‘I don’t need your love’ and ‘All you wanna do’. For this we learn the harmonies of both songs and the remix section which is at the end of ‘I don't need your love’. As a whole cast, I feel our vocals have improved since our last rehearsal as we did the dance as the same time as singing it and our projection was really good and we all knew our timings and our harmonies which sounded really good. I feel that as a cast we are starting to understand each other’s voices much more as we are all Woking together and helping each other with the harmonies and ensemble singing. 

In 'All you wanna do' as an ensemble we sing the first 3 'All you wanna do's' and then we sing 'playtimes over'. I feel that as an ensemble we have picked this up really easily and know when to come in with our lines. One thing i feel we need to work on is our diction in these sections as at the moment they are sounding slight mumbled, when we sort that out, it will be incredible. At the moment we are only halfway through the song, and we may have some more to learn when we learn more of the song. 

In 'I don't need your love' we learnt the re-mix section and our harmonies. Personally, I feel the harmonies for this song are more difficult than other harmonies we have learnt. I think this is because in some section we go up a scale up to 3 times which I feel is difficult. I feel that with work I will get this and understand it more and hopefully have it soon. 


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