Review of SIX

Overall, I am very proud of all the cast and how far we have from when we first started. From our first rehearsal to our Performances, we have improved so much as individuals and as an ensemble. 

I feel we all pushed ourselves and each other to help bring the show to life. We all gave it that final push through show week to make each show special in their own way, even though they were all the same show, at the same time each showing had something slightly different about it which made it its own.   

As an ensemble our vocals for example our harmonies have improved so much from the first week singing together, to the last week. From learning them and just about getting them in the first week to mastering them in the final week. As an ensemble, I feel we're all listened to each other's voices and worked so hard individually and as an ensemble to make them all fit perfectly together. Personally, I feel I have improved vocally from when we first learnt the songs to when we had our performances. I feel my vocals improved as my stamina improved as when we were first running through the dancing and singing together, I feel my vocals were breathy and I felt like I couldn't fully give my all for the singing. Vocal and physical warm ups combined helped me work on this and help me improve. I know they helped me because when we were doing our performances of SIX, I was singing and dancing simultaneously and not loosing sound when singing.

Out of all the performances, I feel like Friday was my favourite as the audience were so responsive and laughed and clapped at every cue, which I feel help us as it made us feel so appreciated and made us want to give it that final push to try and make it the best performance all week.  Another reason why its my favourite is because it was the last show which made us all full of a variety of different emotions, this helped us connect to each song on such a personal level and really helped create a realistic performance. 



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