SIX rehearsals- week 6: SHOW WEEK

 Monday 14th November 2022

On this rehearsal, we spent the day doing a tech rehearsal in full costume. We went through the show from the beginning to the end and teched all the cues for each song and transition between the songs. This was the first time doing the songs with all the lighting and sound which was incredible, Antony and Zach have worked so hard to get it up to the standard which it is now. As today was a tech day, we were sitting around a lot as each dance had to be looked at in detail to ensure everything was perfect. In the afternoon we had our first full tun through of the whole performance with all the light and band. As it being the first time, I think we were all getting used to the set and therefore not focusing as much on the singing or moves as much as we should have been. 

Tuesday 15th November 2022 

Today's lesson was the dress rehearsal. At the start of the day, the queens stayed downstairs in the main space rehearsing their songs whilst we (the ensemble) were upstairs in the practice room going over the harmonies for each number. We made sure that all three harmonies could be heard, we worked especially on 'Ex-wives and Heart of stone' as only the high and low harmonies could be heard, and the middle harmony was getting lost. Therefore, we worked on making the middle harmony stronger and clearer to hear. 

Wednesday 16th November 2022

At the start of the day, we staged 'Get down' as we never managed to get it staged with the lighting. After that, we had a break then did a full run through in costumes before the schools came for the first show. Our first performance was to a mixture of primary school and high schools. I am very proud of how this performance went as this was our first performance of the whole show in front of a full audience. When looking back at our flash mobs, I feel we all had full confidence in ourselves when performing this time around and I am really proud of all of us for that. Our harmonies were all clear and every part of the three-part harmony could be heard. I am also very proud of how I kept my energy up the whole show and sung with full confidence and strength. 

Thursday 17th November 2022

Today, we didn't come into college until 1:15, we spent the afternoon working on our blogs. When it got to 3 o'clock, we went and got ready for our first performance. Before the performance, we did a practical warm up and a vocal warm up which was led by the dance captains and the singing captains. We then did our first performance of the night which went really well, our harmonies were all sung clearly and sounded perfect together. We then had a break and later had our second performance of the evening, which again, went really well and made us all super proud of each other. Our harmonies and pitching were all really good. I feel that when we perform to an audience, we all have so much adrenaline and give it our all until there is nothing else, we can give, therefore everything is done to the fullest we can. 

Friday 18th November 2022

Today, we didn't come into college until 3 o'clock, when we had to get ready for the first performance. After getting ready, we did another practical warm up and another vocal warm up to make us ready for our final performances. We were full of adrenaline and ready to go when it came to the first show. I was again, really proud of how this performance went as it was one of the last performances, I feel like we had so much excitement and adrenaline which have us that push to keep us going till the final show. I feel our vocal and practical stamina has grown since our first ever run through and it really shows as when we first ever performed our first song to now, we have gained more volume and given each move our all and pushed it to the fullest. Later on in the evening, we did our final performance which was incredible everyone was buzzing with adrenaline and ready to give it that final push for the last show. I feel we did just that, every move and every harmony was perfect, everyone gave it their all and it really showed. Seeing the audience all up on their feet clapping and dancing along made us all realise how hard we pushed ourselves to get this outcome which we are all really proud of. 


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