
Showing posts from November, 2021

progress on ensemble work -26/11/21

  shackles 1  For the song shackles I feel I need to improve on remembering the lyrics, I think if I remember yeh lyrics I will be able to be more confident with what I am singing and really put my all into it. I think we have really good harmonies when singing this song as we are in little sections and doing this makes it sound much nicer and choir like. As a choir I feel we need to have more confidence in ourselves and try our best to remember the words because when we don’t know the lyrics it is really obvious as we go quieter and don’t sing very clear. However, on a whole I feel we a good at singing this song and it sounds very nice.

progress on ensembele work- 26/11/21

  count on me   For the song count on me I feel we need to work on my breathing techniques as there are some long notes in the song that need to be  maintain for a period of time and j can’t seem to make it souls clear when holding it. I feel I need to watch my pitching with this song as I don’t want to being sing a different note to the rest of the class. I also need to remember clarity when singing this song as a lot of them are alike and they could be mistaken for the same word.  As a choir I feel we need to be more confident with the words when singing this song as we learnt it quite quickly as are still getting used to it. I feel we need to not be afraid when we are trying to reach the high notes as this makes our sound as a whole a bit raspy and held back. 

Reflections on when I grow up

  when I grow up reflections  In the performance I feel we had good vocals throughout the song, I feel the harmonies worked well and flowed. This was because we were confident With what we were singing there we really excelled. We put a lot of hard work into it as a group and I feel we worked well together. It was difficult to convey the childish characters in our voices when singing as we aren’t that young anymore. We worked on breathing techniques to make sure our dynamics were right for when we were singing.  When singing this song we had to be nasally to really show that childish character we were trying to show. Although we were confident with the song I don’t feel we were as confident with pretending to be a child therefore I feel we could improve on our facial expressions and body language to really show us being children. 

Improvement and development
