Six rehearsal- week 1

September 15th 2022

 For the first 2 weeks of rehearsal for our college musical SIX. We have focused on the opening and finale songs, 'Ex- wives' and 'SIX'. We have learnt the songs, the harmonies and the choreography. On Wednesday, we joined with the year 12's as a full ensemble and learnt the song 'Ex- wives' in the morning and leant the dance in the afternoon. Then at the after-school rehearsals, we learnt the choreography for 'SIX'. On Thursday, we started learning the harmonies for 'don't lose your head' and 'heart of stone' which are solos where we join in for sections in the songs. I feel that at the moment, everything is still new and fresh so we will often make mistakes however, the more we work on it and learn it, it will get much easier.

I feel that 'Six' is a really fun song to sing as its the finale and we all just have that relief of the queens being one and not in competition with each other. Currently I feel we are not giving it full energy that we could so therefore I feel that we need to go full out when singing this song as this is the last one.

currently, I feel 'Ex-Wives' is going really well as an ensemble, I feel that we are picking up the song quite easily as we only sing the chorus with our harmonies which is good. However, in the section where the queens are doing their solos in the slowed down section in the song we as an ensemble are not shouting out the 'divorced, beheaded died' section so therefore we need to work on that and make sure we are projecting it. I also feel that diction needs to be worked on in this song as this song is the one that opens the show so therefore it needs to be loud and clear so the audience know what is actually going to happen in the show. 

We are also learning the harmonies for 'Heart of Stone', this song is completely different to 'SIX' and 'Ex-Wives' as those two songs are very upbeat and fun whereas 'Heart of stone' is a very emotional song  and currently I am really trying to work on keeping my harmony and not get influenced by the higher group as at the moment the middle group (which I am in) keep sliding up to the higher harmonies and loose our harmony. As a class I think this could be something for all of us to work and make sure our harmonies are clear to understand. 


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