warm up plan


Singing Project - Warm up plan for solo songs (3.6) 

  • Based on your understanding from Task 1 (YouTube Influencer videos), you must keep a record of your warm up plan as your rehearsals and practice develops. Be sure to document any changes to this plan and justify your reasoning behind this. You should be aiming to tailor your warm ups as time goes on based on your developing skill/technique, demands of the material, location and environment and experience of previous warm ups. Copy this plan into your blog EACH WEEK and include video as well as written evidence. You should be working on at least two songs in preparation for your next solo and then choose one.  

  • You need to show: Learners aiming for D1 will be able to evidence that they have regularly implemented their vocal development plan through video recordings of exercises, diary entries and written or verbal evaluative statements about its effectiveness. Learners may also demonstrate that their development plan changes as their vocal strengths alter. 

Song 1 

Song name 

 Back to black


 Amy Winehouse



Warm up total time (minutes) 


Describe the range of activities below. You should include the duration of each exercise, reasons/justifications for selection and any changes/additions you make to the plan as time goes on (this could be effectively shown using different colours).  

**Feel free to add or delete activity numbers as you see fit.** 

Activity 1 

 2 minute warm up.

Activity 2 

2 minute warm up

Activity 3 

50 seconds warm up

Activity 4

2 minutes warm up 


How effective was your warm up plan? Reflect upon the process in order to make your future warm ups more effective. 


 I feel my warm up plan was effective and helped a lot with technical and vocal skills. I do feel that I didn't do that many warm ups which I could improve on by doing more when it comes to future tasks and the more I do, the more it will help me vocally.



Solo 2 

Song name 

 Warwick Avenue





Warm up total time (minutes) 

6.50 mins

Describe the range of activities below. You should include the duration of each exercise, reasons/justifications for selection and any changes/additions you make to the plan as time goes on (this could be effectively shown using different colours).  

**Feel free to add or delete activity numbers as you see fit.** 

Activity 1 

 2 minute warm up

Activity 2 

 2 minute warm up

Activity 3 

 5o seconds warm up

Activity 4

 2 minute warm up


How effective was your warm up plan? Reflect upon the process in order to make your future warm ups more effective. 


 I feel these warmups helped me with this song however, I didn't use this song as I preferred the other one. I feel that by warming up vocally really helps and makes you ready to sing. I will continue warming up vocally to help strengthen my voice for future.






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