Mock solo performance 1 review and review of SMART targets so far.

Mock Solo Performance 1 Review and Review of SMART targets so far

Please copy this table into your blog and complete today and finish over half term:0

Reflect on your solo performance and how you felt it went today?

My strengths were that I knew the tune and lyrics. I also feel that I had good expression when singing it at I was really nervous. 






Areas I still need to work on are diction as there are words close together that sound very much alike. I also need to work on my movement around the space as when I fist sang it, I was still on the spot and I need to be more over the top with my expressions. 




 I recently redid my solo which I sung Ireland from legally blonde. I feel that this solo was much better than the one my first solo I did, this is because I was much more confident with this song and I feel like when I fully went for it and enjoyed it, it sounded so much better than worrying about it. 



After watching your video back what do you see as your strengths and areas for development? Are these the same as before?


 I feel I understood how to portray the character in my solo however I fee I wasn't as strong as i could have been in characterisation as I was nervous.


 I feel that my pitching was so much better in this song and I feel that I really went for this song. However, I feel I could have used more facial expressions as I feel that my expressions were not at strong as they could have been.  




Now go back and review your SMART targets you have set on Teams. How have you progressed with these targets so far?

First target (pitching)


 I feel I have kept up with this target by consistently practicing my solo to make sure I'm completely comfortable with it and listening to the song being sung a lot to really help myself.






Second target (expression)


 I feel I have progressed with this target as I've recorded myself singing this song and every time 

 I sing it, I make sure that I'm going very over the top so that I really portray the character. 




Now set yourself three goals/areas for development ready for your Solo 1 Performance on 4th March:

1.  Confidence. I feel I need to be much more confident when performing as I know that  my nerves can get the better of me and put me off.  


2. diction. Make sure that I'm pronouncing the words correctly to kame the performance effective. 


3. Accent. Make sure that I know how to properly portray the character by the accent. 



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