
 Characterisation is playing a character and really enabling their thoughts and feelings into yourself, to fully portray the character. 

We watched videos of songs from West side story and Sweeny Todd. 

West side story-2 videos of the same song 

  • Tony is excited and can sense something is coming
  • Sudden movements suggest he want to know what is coming ASAP
  • He wants a new life 
  • Anticipation in his face
I preferred the second version as I feel there is so much more expression within the song. 

Sweeny Todd-
  • I can sense a relationship between the two from the way that they look at each other
  • Very sly and sneaky characters 
  • Sweeny Todd is greedy because he wants to turn everyone into pies so they can make a fortune
  • Both dangerous and CANNOT be trusted.   

My characterisation when sining my solo.

I personally feel that when I first sang my solo I had no expression what so ever, therefor i need to work on this for the next time I sing it. I need to be more childish and excited as that is what my character is like. Make sure I'm moving a lot and big facial expressions. 


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